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Mostra autobus, filobus e tram tramite GPS

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Il servizio mostra la posizione di autobus, filobus e tram tramite il sistema di posizionamento satellitare GPS/GLONASS. È possibile sapere dove vanno i mezzi pubblici e decidere quando recarsi alla fermata.

Non in linea
Notifiche di trasporto
inizio - fine / header / cause / effectdescription

runs on a diverted route (reconstruction)

<ul><li>Bus <strong>99</strong> runs on a diverted route, does not stop at <i>Kőér utcai uszoda</i> and <i>Basa utca</i> towards Blaha Lujza tér M.</li></ul>

Autobus 99

runs on a diverted route (public utility repairs)

<ul><li>Bus <strong>119</strong> runs on a diverted route, does not stop at <i>Csepeli átjáró</i> and <i>Vízisport utca</i>.</li></ul>

Autobus 119

runs on a diverted route (high water level)

<ul><li>Bus <strong>34</strong> runs on a diverted route, does not stop at <i>Dósa utca</i>, <i>Nimród utca</i>, <i>Szent János utca</i>, <i>Szamos utca</i>, <i>Mátyás király út</i>, <i>Sinkovits Imre utca</i>, <i>Pünkösdfürdő</i>, <i>Boglár utca</i>, <i>Medgyessy Ferenc utca</i> and <i>Madzsar József utca / Pünkösdfürdő utca</i>.</li><li>Night line <strong>934</strong> runs on a diverted route, does not stop at <i>Pünkösdfürdő</i>, <i>Sinkovits Imre utca</i>, <i>Mátyás király út</i>, <i>Szamos utca</i>, <i>Szent János utca</i> and <i>Nimród utca</i>.</li></ul>

Autobus 34

service changes

<p>Please note that the <em>Tapolcsányi utca</em> stop of buslines <strong>11 </strong>and<strong> 111</strong> to Batthyány tér M + H is relocated to Alsó Törökvész út, near to Árvácska utca.</p>

Autobus 111Autobus 11

does not operate (high water level)

<ul><li>Tram <strong>2</strong> does not operate between <i>Kossuth Lajos tér M</i> and <i>Március 15. tér</i>. We recommend the use of tram <strong>4</strong>, <strong>6</strong>, <strong>47</strong> and <strong>49</strong>, bus <strong>9</strong> and <strong>15</strong>, trolleybus <strong>72</strong>, metro <strong>M2</strong>, <strong>M3</strong> and <strong>M4</strong>.</li><li>Tram <strong>23</strong> and <strong>2B</strong> does not operate between <i>Jászai Mari tér</i> and <i>Fővám tér M</i>. We recommend the use of tram <strong>4</strong>, <strong>6</strong>, <strong>47</strong> and <strong>49</strong>, bus <strong>9</strong> and <strong>15</strong>, trolleybus <strong>72</strong>, metro <strong>M2</strong>, <strong>M3</strong> and <strong>M4</strong>.</li></ul>

Tram 23Tram 2Tram 2B

runs on a diverted route (construction)

<ul><li>Bus <strong>161</strong> runs on a diverted route, does not stop at <i>Terebesi utca</i> towards Rákoscsaba. We recommend the use of tram <strong>3</strong>.</li><li>Bus <strong>85</strong> runs on a diverted route, does not stop at <i>Terebesi utca</i> towards Kőbánya-Kispest M.</li><li>Bus <strong>161A</strong>, night line <strong>990</strong> runs on a diverted route, does not stop at <i>Terebesi utca</i> towards Rákoskeresztúr, városközpont.</li><li>Night line <strong>956</strong> runs on a diverted route, does not stop at <i>Terebesi utca</i> towards Pécel, Kun József utca.</li></ul>

Autobus 161Autobus 161AAutobus 990Autobus 956Autobus 85

does not operate (high water level)

<ul><li>Suburban railway <strong>H5</strong> does not operate between <i>Batthyány tér</i> and <i>Szépvölgyi út</i>.</li></ul>


does not stop (high water level)

<ul><li>Tram <strong>4</strong> and <strong>6</strong> does not stop at <i>Margitsziget / Margit híd</i>.</li></ul>

Tram 4Tram 6

does not operate (high water level)

<ul><li>Bus <strong>26</strong> does not operate on the whole affected route.</li></ul>

Autobus 26

service changes

<p>Please note that the Bosnyák tér stops of <strong>buslines 124, 125 and 125B</strong> are relocated. The boarding point is ahead of the church at Nagy Lajos király útja and the drop-off point is at the Bosnyák tér stop of busline 32 to Örs vezér tér M.</p><br><p> </p><br><ul><br><li>A <strong>277-es autóbusz</strong> <em>Bosnyák tér</em> megállóját áthelyezik a Nagy Lajos király útjára a Kacsóh Pongrác út felé a Csömöri út után.</li><br></ul><br><p>The Bosnyák tér stop of <strong>busline 277</strong> is relocated to Nagy Lajos király útja to Kacsóh Pongrác út past Csömöri út.</p>

Autobus 124Autobus 125Autobus 125B

service changes


Autobus 277

is not accessible without barriers

<ul><li>Metro <strong>M3</strong> is not accessible without barriers at <i>Újpest-városkapu</i>.</li></ul>

Metro M3

service changes

<p>Stop relocation!</p><br><p>Due to construction works, the service of the following lines will be modified:</p><br><ul><br><li><br><p><strong>Trolleybuslines 70 and 78</strong> are running on diverted routes. The <em>Kossuth Lajos M</em> stop is relocated in Báthory utca to Honvéd utca.</p><br></li><br></ul>

Filobus 78Filobus 70

runs on a diverted route (public utility repairs)

<ul><li>Bus <strong>15</strong> runs on a diverted route, does not stop at <i>Kálvin tér M</i>, <i>Ferenciek tere M</i> and <i>Szervita tér</i> towards Gyöngyösi utca M.</li></ul>

Autobus 15

service changes

<p>Stop relocation!</p><br><p>Due to construction works, the service of the following lines will be modified:</p><br><ul><br><li>The <em>Budafoki út / Dombóvári út </em>stop of <strong>buslines 33 and 133E</strong> running to Móricz Zsigmond körtér M and Újpalota, Nyírpalota út is relocated to the stop of busline 901.</li><br><li>The <em>Budafoki út / Dombóvári út</em> stop of <strong>buslines 107 and 154</strong> running to Keleti pályaudvar M and Gazdagréti tér is relocated to Dombóvári út.</li><br></ul>

Autobus 133EAutobus 107Autobus 33Autobus 154

service changes

<p>Buslines <strong>140, 140B, 172, 173</strong> and <strong>972</strong> serve from now in both directions the newly-designated stop in Törökbálint, on Raktárvárosi út, at the Pannónia út roundabout.</p>

Autobus 173Autobus 140BAutobus 172Autobus 140Autobus 972

service changes

<p>Busline<strong> 226</strong> will stop at Zenélőkút to Nyugati pályaudvar from now on.</p>

Autobus 226

service changes

<p>Starting this weekend, <strong>bus 200E</strong> will run more frequently to Liszt Ferenc International Airport: every 10 minutes on Saturdays from 5:00 a.m</p>

Autobus 200E

service changes

<p><strong>Bus 200E</strong> runs more frequently on weekdays during the peak morning hours between <em>Kőbánya-Kispest M</em> and <em>Liszt Ferenc International Airport.</em></p>

Autobus 200E

runs with increased travel time (traffic-related cause)

<ul><li>Trolleybus <strong>83</strong> runs with increased travel time between <i>Kálvária tér</i> and <i>Fővám tér M</i> towards Fővám tér M.</li><li>Trolleybus <strong>72</strong> runs with increased travel time between <i>Kálvária tér</i> and <i>Nyugati pályaudvar M (Podmaniczky utca)</i> towards Deák Ferenc tér M ► Zugló vasútállomás.</li><li>Bus <strong>9</strong> runs with increased travel time between <i>Kálvária tér</i> and <i>Nyugati pályaudvar M</i>.</li></ul>

Autobus 9Filobus 83Filobus 72

does not operate (technical cause)

<ul><li>Chairlift does not operate .</li></ul>


runs less frequently (accident)

<ul><li>Tram <strong>14</strong> runs less frequently on the whole affected route towards Káposztásmegyer, Megyeri út.</li></ul>

Tram 14